Hi, my name is Lindsey

I provide Saskatchewan businesses with photos for use on their websites, social media posts and marketing material. I work with all sorts of businesses, from architects to mechanic shops to local entrepreneurs. Together, we create a gallery of photos that will enhance their brand and draw in new clients.

Headshot of Lindsey Kautz from LF Photography in Yorkton.

Raise your hand if you hate having your picture taken.

Picture day at the office is not usually something people look forward too. But I have good news for you; it is my job to direct and pose you so that you don't have to feel awkward in front of the camera ever again!

I have 17 years of experience and will make your shoot fun and pain free!

At the end you will have multiple options that you will feel proud to use for your marketing and business needs.

Back in 1998, when I graduated from high school, my youth pastor told me, “Find something you love so much that you would gladly do it for free. Then learn to do it so well that people will pay you for it.” Photography is my thing. I am thrilled to do the work I love.